"Run Matakitty, run!"

This week's been fairly productive for me painting-wise, and I've gotta say this little mini-diorama was the most fun to paint, not just this week, but in a while. I've never painted a cartoon-esque cat before, but it was probably the reason for all the fun. The daemon bat was cool too, but I layered way too many reds in there and the photos don't give them their proper due. Overall fun stuff and a good Halloween figure to boot!

The bat came from Warhammer Quest, and I just cut away the face and replaced it with a fantasy skeleton head. The cat's, well, a cat, and for basing I just used fine grain model railroad ballast. The base is worth an extra mention. I've got a lot of extended family in New Mexico, and we try to get out there as often as we can, which isn't nearly enough. When I put together the idea for this diorama, I intended to give it to my wife from the get-go, and since it's based on a New Mexican 'wooden nickel' it would have a little extra sentimental value (aside from her geeky husband painting something for her desk of course). You can see where I drilled through the piece to firmly insert the flying stand into place.

I credit Andy quite a bit for figs on here, and he's cool about passing neat ones and the like on to the rest of us. The kitty in this mini-diorama came from Paul over at Matakishi's Tea House, whose link I've had on the blog here since the first day I created it. Check his site out if you haven't already, it's pretty humbling, but there is a lot of cool stuff worth perusing through, and the sheer volume of his completed projects is impressive.
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