Also, since I'll probably end up being the one to do the painting for the prize, it's fitting to mention here as well since you'll probably see it eventually come across the feed at Mik's Minis in one fashion or another.
"So what's the prize Mik?" It's a Deathwatch Space Marine, painted up with whatever chapter livery you want and whichever of the three specialties you choose; Librarian, Devastator, or Assault marine.
The fine print is all over at the Minions blog. In truth, not a lot of people have entered so it could come down to a coin toss in the end for you!
Check it out before it's too late!
I was just at a Borders yesterday and was surprised at the amount of stuff they have still at 40% off list which is starting to be a deal compared to Amazon or other online sites. They had some deathwatch and dark heresy books still. I got a Gamma World Legion of Gold for my personal reading.
ReplyDeleteI wrote off chain bookstores long ago for RPG material due to their (usually higher than) retail prices. I didn't even think to consider Border's recent plummet, I need to head over there this weekend. Good tip!
ReplyDeleteI'm confused, first shipping was listed as $15 (ridiculous in itself!) but now when I get to the checkout phase, there is a $7 S&H fee, PLUS the $15 standard shipping cost?
ReplyDeleteSo I tried using Paypal so I would get to see the total before paying (it even mentions you will be able to see the details before confirming) but then there is no info (ie. final cost) provided before you have to click submit??!?
Sorry dude, cafeexpress = fail
Bah, I'm sorry to hear that. If anyone's having trouble I know there's a listed 1-800 number for help, I wish Cafe Press allowed more hands-on management so I could head stuff like this off at the pass.
ReplyDeleteI never noticed marked up RPG stuff but I do tend to stick to the major lines. I have actually gotten most of my just for reading RPG stuff there over the past few years using 33-40% off coupons. I did notice that they marked up lego kits like 15-25% which was fine when they accepted the coupons off them since like 46% off something marked up 15% is still a good deal but when they stopped allowing the coupons on the legos I noticed that their legos were much better stocked (ie no longer selling).
ReplyDeleteWell, ordered it at the more expensive (and currently more valuable) CAD rate of $18.50, plus now the shipping was $17 but on the plus side the $17 matched the $17 listed as the S&H fee so it appears you need to order using the currency from your location or they have some issues.
ReplyDeleteThat's crazy shipping, you could drive to wherever it is and pick the shirt up for that. Well, maybe not. I saw your order, the Storm Wardens shirt right? That one's very cool and I think it's days are numbered too so it's "limited edition" to boot! Wear it at some Blood Bowl tourneys and send us some pics!
ReplyDeleteWhat a shame theres no Borders stores in the UK. I hate silly p&p charges. I was considering getting three blister packs from Wargames Foundry but the Postage was £8.00 almost the cost of one whole blister. Needless to say it didn't get ordered.
ReplyDeleteWill be patient and wait for ebay to turn up the goods
Well I've gotta hand it to them, at least it was pretty damn fast. Shirt arrived on Friday, exactly 1 week.