Sunday, December 9, 2012

Hordes: Local Forces

So we've thrown our lot in with Privateer Press' Hordes and Warmachine.  Technically the two games are interchangeable, but separate.  As broken down here we've got a strong handhold in the Hordes corner of things, but I think a lot of old WM armies could be brought to bear if need be.

Andy is the first up with his 'starter box' for the battle intro night we recently did.  He was the was the only only representing WM, here with his tundra themed Khador led by the Butcher.  Andy's in good shape because not only does he have all of his old models from the first time we played, but the majority of them are painted to boot.  He doesn't have any Hordes stuff, but really he doesn't need any.  He does have to learn the new rules, but we're all in that boat as it is.

Next up is Jeff's starter box of Skorne. I like the look of Skorne, quite a bit actually.  He has a lot of other armies but brought this so as to avoid any (more) doubling of other armies.  It consists of the cool Gladiator warbeast as well as a pair of Cyclops' and their Warlock whose name escapes me but he's just like Voldo from Soul Caliber.

In a lot of ways Mike is really a big factor in this Hordes revival.  I've been gaming with him for a long, long time and the last time I can remember him picking up a mini and painting it was about twenty years ago.  So as you can see here, his Circle starter is almost complete already, really it just needs basing.  I love the design overhaul Circle got with the new plastics, and he's done a great job here for a rusty painter who just doesn't seem too rusty to me.

Miller (yes, Monday Night Miller) can paint, but his speed suffers for it.  Having said that mind you, he seems to be well on his way to cranking out his own Circle starter.  Camera phone pics don't do these (incomplete) figs justice, especially the Warp Wolf.

Is there any surprise these are mine?  My Trollblood Amputee League...for now.  Yes, I fielded an armless, headless warlock.  Yes, my Troll Axer and an Impaler are missing their right arms.  No, nothing is painted.  No, this is not acceptable.  Fortunately all the energy and enthusiasm of everyone else will give me that extra push of motivation.

Speaking of unpainted, here's the other half of the Hordes two-player boxed set' the Legion of Everblight.  Allegedly Hordes is full of grey area factions, but I gotta say I'm pretty sure these guys are just plain evil.  Taylor is a newcomer to the group (relatively speaking) and so far has been just a boardgaming buddy and part-time RPGer.  This was his first hand at a true minis game and he commanded the Legion fairly well.  We're all still learning mind you, but with a little luck he'll be hooked and we'll be adding one more minis gamer to the fold.  The more the merrier.

I know what you're thinking.  "Where's the big battle you promised?  We know you're just inflating your post count!"  Easy there cowpokes!  I just thought I'd highlight some of the critters that will be prominently featured in this new direction we're taking.  Definitely more to come, up next will be pics from the first battle night.  

Until then, enjoy!


  1. Congrats on coming back to privateer press. I love their games and have been enjoying the IK RPG recently which plays very closely to the Miniatures game.

    Khador is my primary faction, but I also have Menoth and I am eyeing some Farrow for Hordes now that my Skorne are mostly all sold off.

    1. HuronBH! Thanks, last time I was heavily into PPress it was all pre-blog, but we were pretty whole hog in the beginning.

      I did play Khador as my main faction too, but all of that is long gone. Hopefully with all the interest right now this will be sticking around for a while. The rules are tight and the genre is fun, so it's got a lot going for it.

  2. Great to see a group all piling in like this. For what it's worth I would definitely go Trollbloods myself.

    You need to go into the same trance you did to paint those Infinity figures. Pronto!

    1. Trollbloods just have too much character to ignore.

      I think an Infinity trance may be order but I ask you, is it bad that I've been contemplating sending them out for paint? Justify it by cranking down on all the 15mm stuff?

  3. I will bring minis to the game on Saturday. I will need to go through and figure out what I have,'though.

    1. Good, you can babysit since my wife and I are going out this Saturday!

  4. Looks promising buddy ! Chin up ...

  5. I sent them to you with arms attached! What did you do? :)
