Friday, September 5, 2014

Saga, Quick Pics Post

Vikings skirmish past the farm hoping to flank the enemy
First contact with the enemy!
Another quick pics post during a Dark Ages game with the excellent Saga rules.  This was quite the epic game as we had six full warbands on the table with loads of fun and scenario specific rules in place.  Three of the warbands were led by rival brothers, with a fourth warband belonging to the dying father.  The remaining two warbands belonged to 'outsiders' hoping to capitalize on the internal strife and chaos of the situation.  Enjoy!


  1. I've recently taken the headlong plunge into Dark Age gaming with SAGA :) I'm glad you think it's an excellent ruleset! Always a good sign :) The game you had sounds brilliant! What was the outcome?

    Regarding the 6MMRPC, we've created a Facebook group to talk about the stuff we're working on in the challenge if you'd like to join in - you can also promote your blogposts or show WIP pictures etc. over there too:

    1. Hey Chris! It was an awesome game indeed! My particular warband spent a few turns trying to convince the dying father to return to the old ideals and forget Christianity. In the end I was unsuccessful and tried to usurp "Dad's" warband by replacing him, which also didn't work out well so I ended up fighting my two brothers' bands indiviudally as well as my father's surviving (and loyal!) band. I think I was wiped from the table fairly quickly after that!

      When I became a school teacher I deleted my Facebook account and honestly haven't looked back. Though, the group sounds cool, thanks for the invite.

  2. Nice looking table and minis! Saga looks really interesting, maybe I can proxy some of my reaper figures and play a game one day. Because that's frugal, yo.

    1. My pipe dream is to do Saga in 15mm fantasy figs and swap out the 'main' warbands for fantasy equivalent types; Dwarves for Anglo-Danes, Orcs for Vikings, and the like. Mounted goblin wolf riders for Normans, and Wood Elves for Irish.

    2. That's a pretty good idea. Copplestone already has 2 awesome ranges that would work, plus I've still got a bunch of unpainted Blood Dawn orcs somewhere. Brushchewer and Gaarew are using ral partha ex-Demonworld 15mm fantasy for KOW, those are really nice too.
